The 10 Darkest Full House Moments That Will Leave You Speechless

10 Pam Tanner's Death Kicking Off Full House

The events of Full House were kicked off by the death of Pam, Danny's wife. 

9 DJ Tanner Being Obsessed With Dieting

As the eldest Tanner daughter, DJ was the first to deal with teenage growing pains. 

8 Stephanie Dealing With Peer Pressure

DJ wasn't the only one to struggle with societal pressure in Full House. 

7 Papouli Unexpectedly Dying

Deaths in sitcoms weren't exactly new when Full House was on the air. The show itself started with the demise of Danny's wife. 

6 Stephanie Experiencing PTSD

Not long after losing her mom, Stephanie developed PTSD after experiencing an intense earthquake in San Francisco. 

5 Kimmy's Drinking Problem (& DJ's Intervention)

Full House didn't bring up Pam's death as frequently as some may have hoped, but her demise loomed over the show, especially on her daughters. 

4 Stephanie's Almost Drunk Driving Accident

Kimmy wasn't the only one who was almost involved in a drunk driving incident in Full House. 

3 DJ Makes Friend With An Alzheimer's Patient

In Full House season 5, DJ volunteered in a nursing home where she befriended an elderly gentleman named Eddie as part of the Adopt-a-grandparent program.


2 Stephanie Being Trapped In A Make-Out Party

Throughout Full House's run, Stephanie had found herself in tricky situations. However, as much trouble as DJ got from being friends with Kimmy, at least the oldest Tanner daughter had a reliable friend. 

1 Stephanie Discovering That Her Classmate Is Being Abused

The Tanner kids losing their mom was tragic, but at least they have three parental figures who loved them unconditionally in Full House.

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