Gordon Ramsay’s Cat Fools Him By Napping Hard

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay had a scare when his cat appeared to be sound asleep and unresponsive. Ramsay was filming his one-year-old son, Oscar, when the toddler accidentally bumped into the sleeping cat. Worried that something might be wrong, Ramsay gently nudged the cat to check if it was still alive. The cat's ears flicked back as it raised its head, confirming that it was indeed just fast asleep. Ramsay was relieved and exclaimed, "Oh no, it's alive - thank god for that!" Cats are known for their ability to sleep anywhere and through anything, and Ramsay's cat is no exception. This incident serves as a reminder that sometimes cats can sleep so deeply that they can startle their owners, but it's best to let them rest undisturbed.

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