Larry David Calls Trump 'Little Baby,' 'Sociopath,' 'Insane,' 'Sick Man'

Larry David passionately criticized Donald Trump for his refusal to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, stating that the former president has disrupted centuries of democracy. During an appearance on "Who's Talking to Chris Wallace?" the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star expressed his strong disapproval and contempt for Trump, calling him a sociopath and insisting that he knows he lost the election. David emphasized the impact of Trump's actions, noting that he has deceived many people into believing his false claims of victory. The comedian has incorporated his views on Trump into his show, including a parody of Trump's mugshot and mockery of the infamous red MAGA hats. However, with the upcoming conclusion of the 'Curb' series, David's efforts to ridicule and combat Trump's influence may be cut short, ending six months before the next election.

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