Jason Momoa has once again set hearts racing with his latest promotional video for his return to Saturday Night Live. The 44-year-old actor, who became an international sex symbol after his debut on the sketch show five years ago, caused a stir by stripping naked in one of the ads. In the new promo, Momoa goes trouser-less and dances around in his underwear on the iconic SNL stage. Ego Nwodim, a regular cast member, plays the comedic foil as she tries to hide her discomfort and urges Momoa to get dressed. However, the heartthrob remains undeterred, showcasing his muscular legs and hinting at his well-shaped behind.
In the trailer, Momoa confidently struts onto the SNL stage, growling with satisfaction, "I'm back, baby." As he breaks into a celebratory dance, the camera only captures the top half of his outfit, complete with a stylish cowboy hat. It is only when Ego joins him on stage that it becomes apparent Momoa has forgotten to put on his trousers. She politely informs him, "Hey, hey, we love you, but you just can't be wearing your underwear. This is a workplace." Oblivious to his state of undress, Momoa responds, "I'm sorry, when I get excited I forget my pants." In an attempt to distract herself, Ego mumbles, "Guess I'ma just have to be distracted.
Come on, let's put some clothes on you."Momoa, known for his confident and mischievous demeanor, rejects Ego's suggestion and leaps away from her, diving back into his dance routine. Marcello Hernandez, another member of the SNL cast, then joins them on stage with sides in hand and appears to be more amused than Ego by Momoa's wardrobe choices. The two men exchange playful banter and Marcello jumps into Momoa's arms, allowing the Aquaman star to sweep him off his feet.
Jason Momoa gained international fame for his role as Khal Drogo, showcasing his chiseled physique in the first two seasons of Game of Thrones.
With his latest SNL promo, Jason Momoa continues to captivate audiences with his charm and alluring presence. Fans eagerly await his return to the show, ready to be entertained by his charismatic performance and undeniable sex appeal.