Gypsy Rose Blanchard, known for her role in a high-profile true crime case, has recently undergone plastic surgery to change her appearance. The first photos post-procedure show Gypsy at home, sporting bandages around her new nose and seeming happy as she recovers with a frozen treat. The surgery, which included a combination of rhinoplasty and septoplasty, was performed by Dr. Jeffrey J. Joseph in Louisiana.
Sources close to the situation report that Gypsy paid approximately $5k for the procedure and is eagerly anticipating the final results once she is fully healed. Following her personal transformation journey, Gypsy's medical journey can be seen on "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up" this summer.
In addition to her physical changes, Gypsy has been reconnecting with her ex-fiancé Ken Urker in a platonic manner, suggesting a new outlook on life and a willingness to follow her instincts.