After several celebrities have already raised serious allegations against director Joss Whedon, actress Gal Gadot has now commented specifically on the subject. Speaking to Israeli site N12 , she revealed how Whedon threatened her on the set of Justice League: “He kind of threatened my career and said he’d ruin it if I did do something about it.”
In doing so, Gadot confirmed previously circulating rumors that she, too, was a victim of Whedon’s toxic behavior during the reshoots of Justice League. The Hollywood Reporter reported that the threat was made after Gadot criticized some of her lines of dialogue.
Whedon is also said to have slandered Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins. The actor Ray Fisher was the first to make such accusations against Whedon, and a little later the actress Charisma Carpenter, among others, reported on the director’s psychoterror.
Among other things, Whedon was successful with the series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and as a screenwriter for the “Avengers” film. Numerous former colleagues now accuse him of bullying.
The shooting of the action strip “Justice League” was also generally under an ill star: Joss Whedon was given the task of completing the film in 2017 after the actual director Zack Snyder left at short notice due to the death of his daughter. However, he was so dissatisfied with Whedon’s changes that he recently published his four-hour “Snyder Cut” of the strip.