“The least important thing to me is becoming famous”: Johnny Depp Has a Very Honorable Reason for Hating Fame

Johnny Depp, renowned for his portrayal of iconic characters such as Captain Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands, has been involved in several controversies throughout his career, particularly regarding his ex-wife Amber Heard. The actor, who achieved fame later in life, recently discussed the current trend of young people becoming famous. Depp expressed his disdain for fame and the tendency for individuals to be labeled and stuck in a certain role.

During a 1998 interview with Entertainment Tonight, Depp explained his aversion to fame, particularly at a young age. He believed that being labeled and confined to a specific image would hinder an actor's growth.

He stated, "The only thing wrong with the teen idol thing is that people label you and they stick you in a spot and they won't let you out of it. I would feel very, very ripped off if that would happen to me, if I was just stuck in that mold and I couldn't get out of it."

Depp emphasized that becoming famous and being well-known were not important to him. He did not strive to be a hero for everyone, but rather focused on his craft and the roles he chose. In a separate interview, he revealed that he willingly worked on a 1995 film titled "Nick of Time," even though he anticipated it would be a failure.

In this particular film, Depp had the opportunity to act alongside his idol, Christopher Walken. Despite the movie receiving poor ratings and performing poorly at the box office, Depp revealed that he did not care about the financial success. His main motivation was the chance to collaborate with Walken and the director, John Badham. "I did that film not for money or not to sell out. I didn't think it was going to be successful at all. I didn't care. I did it because I wanted to work with Christopher Walken and I wanted to work with John Badham," Depp highlighted.

Although "Nick of Time" only earned a modest $8 million globally and faced criticism from critics, Depp cherished the experience of working with his idol. The film, with a rating of 6.3/10 on IMDB and an average rating of 30% on Rotten Tomatoes, is currently available for streaming on Paramount+ Apple TV in the United States.

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