Jennifer Garner, the bright light of Netflix's "Yes Day," is no stranger to this enchanting tradition within her own brood. Every year since 2012, Garner steps up to the plate, whipping her household into a frenzy of 'yes' and a whirlwind of joy. 2020 proved no different despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Her imagination soared high, landing with a splash in the form of a bounce house water slide and a late-night viewing of "The Office" on an inflatable screen.
In the Hollywood star's house, the tradition is sweeter than anywhere else, literally. In an exception to the rule, Garner spoils her children with a dessert pizza that is out of this world.
Imagine a decadent pizza crust layered with creamy Nutella, vibrant Froot Loops, fluffy marshmallows, and a scattering of chocolate chips. Quite the sugar-rush spectacle, and a delight available only on Yes Day.The story doesn't end there, oh no! Want to bring a bit of Garner's whimsy and a whole lot of sweetness into your own home? The recipe of this magical dessert pizza is within your reach. Garner, in her generosity, shares this cherished tradition, a testament to her belief in saying 'yes' to fun, connection, and a good old-fashioned family tradition.