Gypsy Rose Blanchard, known for her high-profile case, has taken an unexpected turn by rekindling her relationship with her former fiancé, Ken Urker. After calling it quits with her husband, Gypsy was spotted with Ken at Sailor Bob's Tattoo shop in Cut Off, LA, getting matching tattoos of husky dogs on their arms. Ken, who initially reached out to Gypsy after watching her HBO documentary while she was in prison, has been a supportive presence in her life, according to his mother. Despite their on-off relationship in the past, Gypsy seems to have found comfort in Ken's friendship during her separation from her husband, Ryan Anderson. As the dynamics in Gypsy's personal life continue to shift, her connection with Ken appears to offer her solace. Time will tell how this rekindled relationship will unfold for Gypsy Rose Blanchard.