Stephen Curry on what Jordan taught him about success - "He never asked anybody on his team or in the organization to do anything that he wouldn't do"

On the surface, Stephen Curry could not be any different from Michael Jordan. But when you look deeper, there are some similarities between the two players

On the surface,  could not be any different from Michael Jordan. Curry is a shooter, Jordan was a slasher. Curry made a name for himself in the Bay Area, Jordan made his in the Windy City. Curry is generous with his time and happy to see other players succeed; Jordan was notoriously cutthroat and driven to be the best.

But when you look deeper, there are some similarities between the two players. Both have an incredible work ethic and are relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

Both have an unquenchable competitive fire that burns brightly on and off the court. And as Curry recently revealed, both players share a similar philosophy regarding success.

Lessons from "The Last Dance"

What many people may not know is that Curry draws a lot of inspiration from Jordan – specifically, something that  said in the highly acclaimed documentary, "The Last Dance."

 shared Curry.

As a Western Conference executive noted in  Curry is the culture-setter for  And his selflessness sets the tone for the entire organization – from the front office all the way down to the players.

Matt Barnes, who won a championship with Curry in 2017, shared that they all "checked their egos at the door" with Steph at the helm.

The Jordan rules

As calm and collected as Steph's temperament most times is, Jordan was a notorious grouch who did not let anything or anyone stand in the way of his success. This included pushing teammates to their utmost limits, as current Dubs head coach Steve Kerr can attest to. It was back during the Bulls' training camp for the 1995-96 NBA season when MJ and Kerr got into it, with Jordan eventually giving the latter a black eye.

It's this type of mentality – one that is focused on the team and not the individual – that has defined Jordan's legacy and helped him become the greatest player of all time. And it's something that Curry has taken to heart as he looks to continue building his own legacy.

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