Jennifer Lopez May Blame Ben Affleck For Failing Career As Her Tour Barely Sells

Jennifer Lopez's career seems to be in a rough patch lately. Her latest album is considered a flop, and ticket sales for her upcoming tour are reportedly not doing well. Rumors have been circulating about trouble between Lopez and her husband, Ben Affleck, with some even speculating about a possible divorce. Despite their united front in her new documentary promoting her music, Lopez may be blaming Affleck for her career's low point. PR expert Emily M. Auston believes Lopez's troubles began after her Super Bowl documentary in 2022, the same year she married Affleck. Auston suggests that Lopez's behavior may have turned off some fans, leading to her career downturn.

Furthermore, Lopez's failure to attract a younger audience and engage with her older fans could be contributing to her struggles. Even her recent business ventures have faced backlash, with accusations of not promoting her own products and promoting alcohol despite claiming not to drink. As Lopez prepares for her world tour, which is not selling out as she had hoped, the speculation about her relationship with Affleck continues to grow.

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