If Your Cat Could Talk, This Is What They’d Want You To Know…

Cats have some secrets that they would share with their owners if they could talk. First, a cat's purr doesn't always indicate happiness. Some cats purr to self-soothe in stressful situations. Second, cats benefit from wet food because it helps them stay properly hydrated. Wildcats rely on the water content in their prey for hydration, so domestic cats may not drink enough water on their own. Third, cats meow mainly to communicate with humans. Feral cats, who don't grow up around humans, rarely meow. Fourth, a cat showing its belly is a sign of trust, but it doesn't necessarily mean they want their bellies touched.

Many cats have a protective reflex that may cause them to bite or scratch if their bellies are touched. Fifth, cats need vertical spaces, such as cat trees or window perches, because it gives them a sense of safety. Lastly, scratching is a natural behavior that helps cats shed layers from their claws and mark their territory. Cats have stronger senses than humans, especially when it comes to smell, so they can be picky with their food, water, and litter box.

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