Hollywood icon Jason Momoa supports the Voice to Parliament

There has been a division among fans of Hollywood superstar Jason Momoa after he shared an Instagram post in support of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Momoa, known for his roles in Game of Thrones and as Aquaman, reshared a video ad created by Indigenous rapper Adam Briggs, which promotes the effort to include the Aboriginal advisory body in the constitution. The video features comedians Jenna Owen and Vic Zerbst, who are advised by Briggs to research the Voice. After doing so, they decide to vote "Yes" because the details are clear.

New Zealand filmmaker Taika Waititi had already shared the video, and Momoa shared it on his own account, using the "#yes23" hashtag.

The post explains that "#yes23" is a referendum taking place in Australia on October 14. The aim is to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a voice in parliament so they can influence decisions that affect their lives. Momoa encourages his followers to support this cause and clarifies that he found this information by Googling it. He also calls out those Australians who may be confused or concerned about the referendum, urging them to educate themselves.

Momoa's stance has caused a heated debate among his fans, with some expressing their displeasure at him getting involved in Australian politics.

They argue that he should focus on American issues and stay out of Australian affairs. However, others express gratitude towards Momoa for standing in solidarity with the Yes voters. They appreciate the support from a prominent figure, especially given the tough circumstances leading up to the referendum.

Early voting has already begun in Australia ahead of the referendum on October 14. The Indigenous Voice to Parliament has been a hot topic, and Momoa's involvement has added fuel to the fire. However, ultimately, it is up to the Australian people to decide the fate of the Indigenous advisory body and whether it will be enshrined in the constitution.

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