"I'd rather guard LeBron, Kobe, T-Mac" — Paul Pierce names the most underrated and overrated player from his NBA era

Pierce explained why Melo is the most underrated, and Richard Jefferson is the most overrated player he's played against.

 has matched up with some of the greatest players in history. According to him,  is the toughest matchup of his career. The Boston Celtics legend also named the most overrated player of his era.

Carmelo is the most underrated

 Pierce said, per I AM ATHLETE. 

This is a massive statement by The Truth. During the tail-end of his career, Melo was criticized by the media for his ringless resume and seeming unwillingness to come off the bench.

Pierce has reminded us that Melo, in his prime, was a major problem. 

Interestingly,  also described Melo as a bulldog—someone who’s extremely physical in the low block.

The most overrated

When it comes to the most overrated player he’s played against, Pierce took the opportunity to clap back at a new rival.

 Pierce said.

To recall, not too long ago,  slammed Pierce in an Instagram post. This was after Pierce told  that he would drop 40 points on Jefferson every time. They also called Jefferson “sweet.

Jefferson took offense to Pierce’s declaration and . He also delivered a gut punch to Pierce in one witty line: 

Will Pierce’s new comments trigger a fresh roasting from Jefferson? Will RJ pull out more jokes and statistics? This is a matter of wait-and-see. But even after their basketball career, the two have found a way to keep basketball fans entertained. 

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