Wallabies star Kurtley Beale found NOT GUILTY of sexual assault offences

Wallabies and Waratahs utility back, Kurtley Beale, has been found not guilty of rape and two counts of sexual touching without consent by a jury at the New South Wales District Court in Sydney. The jury, consisting of seven women and five men, deliberated for a few hours before delivering their verdict. Beale's wife, Maddi, was in tears while Beale hung his head in relief. The charges against Beale stemmed from an incident in December 2022, where he was accused of forcing a woman to have oral sex with him in a toilet cubicle at a bar in Bondi. After being acquitted, Beale addressed the media and expressed his relief that the truth had come out. His defense lawyer, Margaret Cunneen, stated that justice was served with the decision. Beale plans to make an application for costs following the trial.

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