Michael Jackson's Co. Wants to Block Accusers from Getting Genitalia Pics

Michael Jackson's production company is making an effort to prevent Wade Robson and James Safechuck from accessing his criminal files, as they suspect the men are seeking indecent images of the late pop star. Court documents obtained by TMZ reveal that the company, MJJ Productions, is pushing to dismiss Wade and James' requests to view police records related to MJ, as they believe the individuals are targeting photos of Michael's genitalia.

Both Wade and James have accused Jackson of sexually abusing them as children and have filed lawsuits against his companies. Despite previous rejection of Wade's attempt to obtain the records in 2018, both men are now pursuing access through their legal cases.

MJ's company argues that the request is irrelevant to the current complaints and violates his privacy rights, even posthumously. They are particularly concerned about the possible inclusion of sensitive information from a past child molestation investigation. MJJ Productions is now seeking to halt any efforts by Wade and James to obtain such private information.

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