Why Michael Jordan’s NASCAR Involvement Is Not Surprising, Denny Hamlin Explains

In the 2023 NASCAR season, Michael Jordan's frequent presence at racetracks was an intriguing storyline. As a result, 23XI Racing achieved great success, with both of its drivers making it into the postseason. As the 2024 season approaches, Denny Hamlin, Jordan's partner, has shed light on the reasons behind Jordan's increased commitment. In an interview with WTVR's Lane Casadonte, Hamlin revealed that Jordan had always been interested in racing, even before the formation of 23XI Racing. Hamlin stated that Jordan would often ask him racing-related questions, displaying his fandom for the sport.

Given Jordan's passion for racing, it is not surprising to see him actively involved with the team, offering support at the racetracks. Last year, Jordan attended several playoff races, which had a significant impact on the team's morale and performance. Jordan's involvement in team meetings and decisions last year was highly welcomed by Hamlin, as it demonstrated his dedication to the team. The idea of forming a race team was initially proposed by Hamlin, and he was pleasantly surprised when Jordan immediately expressed his interest. Hamlin vividly recalls receiving Jordan's response while he was golfing and being so shocked that he drove up to the green without completing his shot. This partnership between Hamlin and Jordan has led to the rapid growth of 23XI Racing, and they hope to see their Toyota cars in the postseason for the second consecutive year in 2024. The team has also made significant improvements, including the establishment of a new race shop called "Airspeed."

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