Woman Trying To Gain Feral Cat’s Trust Takes Him In During Hurricane Ian

When Hurricane Ian hit, a feral cat named Old Man was forced to take shelter indoors. His owner, Reddit user Lady Sidereal, shared their experience on the Cats subreddit, seeking advice on how to help Old Man adjust to indoor life. Despite feeling guilty for removing him from his familiar outdoor environment, Lady Sidereal did the right thing by ensuring his safety during the powerful storm. Old Man had previously been treated for a variety of health issues and was thriving in a cat colony, but now he had to acclimate to his new surroundings. Lady Sidereal provided a safe space for him under the bed, kept the lights low, and played calming music for cats. Although she worries that Old Man feels betrayed, fellow cat lovers on Reddit reassured her that bringing him inside was the best decision and that he will eventually realize that he is being well taken care of.

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