After her passing, Nightbirde's family released a video in which she directly addressed her fans, friends, and family to deliver her final message. The two-minute video, uploaded on February 23, garnered over 500,000 views within a span of two hours.
In her final video, she shared the following message: "However, being sad or grieving does not negate the gratitude and hope within you. It doesn't mean you have stopped fighting for your life or that you lack the strength to continue. Sadness, grief, mourning, lamenting, crying, screaming, and anger are all ways to honor what was lost and communicate it to the world.
I once heard that sadness is the soul's acknowledgment of significance. And I believe that grieving and experiencing all the emotions, including sadness, grief, injustice, anger, loss, and bargaining, is sacred work. It may be scary to delve into those dark paths, but those feelings don't just disappear. You need to allow yourself to feel them. You can't pretend that nothing negative happened and pretend to be happy all the time. That's not the essence of being human. So, if you encounter toxic positivity, the notion of constantly being told to 'be happy,' don't succumb to it. It's not necessary.
And never feel guilt for feeling sad. It's something I've personally struggled with. I used to believe that being sad meant I wasn't fighting hard enough or showing enough gratitude, but that's simply untrue. You can be sad and grateful. You can appreciate the beauty of twinkling lights while acknowledging the reality of pain. Life is a combination of both. Love you all. Thank you for listening to my Bed Talk Ted Talk."
Accompanying a photo of herself taken the week prior, she wrote, "Honestly, things have been pretty brutal. But this is a photo of myself from last week where I felt pretty, and alive, and awake, and human, and real.
I needed that. We're all a little lost, and it's alright."