Happy Time Shared! Pregnant Gal Gadot Spends The Day Companied Her 2 Girls Ahead Of Third Daughter's Arrival !

With just a few months left to go in Gal Gadot's third pregnancy, the actress is  with her two daughters, Alma, 9 and Maya, 4.

On June 9, the trio were seen out in Los Angeles, and we can't get over how gorgeous her girls are!

Cute and comfy! While  a black dress and slide sandals, the tots wore a girlier look, with her eldest dressed in a white tee and pink shorts, while Maya wore a frilly rainbow dress.

The family all had face masks, though the latter held hers in her hands since she was munching on an apple.

On March 1, the star revealed she and husband Yaron Varsano were expecting their . "Here we go again," she captioned the photo, which showed the family with a hand on her belly.

The brunette babe said that after she told their kids about the baby, her oldest started asking her about the pregnancy process.

"Alma had the whole session when I was pregnant with Maya and Maya is now  got in there, how is she going to come out and all of that," she recalled on . "So we explained the PG way, you know, 'Mommy and Daddy had a big hug, Papa planted a seed in Mommy's tummy.


On the other hand, Maya wasn't too interested in the idea of having a little sibling.

"We did a whole thing," Gadot shared of how she . "We got them cupcakes and we got [a] cupcake for each member of the family, including the dog. And then, there was one cupcake left and I told them, 'Do you know who this cupcake belongs to?'"

The girls then started listing off names of other family members before Gadot pointed to her stomach. "And Alma went, 'Nooo!'" she admitted. "I was like, 'What?!' But then  and now she's super excited."

Think pink! In April, the Israel native confirmed she . "We're sticking to what we know," she joked.

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