"Jersey Shore" cast members Sammi Giancola and Vinny Guadagnino made headlines with their engagement announcements on April 1, sparking a mix of genuine and prank reactions.
Sammi confirmed her engagement to boyfriend Justin May, who proposed on March 16, with the reality star sharing photos of her diamond ring. Despite the risky timing of the announcement, Sammi assured fans it was not an April Fools' Day joke.
Fellow "Jersey Shore" stars including Jenni "JWoww" Farley and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino congratulated Sammi in the comments section, showing their support for her relationship news.
On the other hand, Vinny Guadagnino's engagement announcement was revealed to be a prank. The reality star shared a photo of himself proposing to an unidentified woman with light-up letters spelling out "Marry Me?" in the background. Although many fans fell for the joke, Vinny later confirmed it was all in good fun.
Vinny's Instagram page no longer features the prank post, suggesting he is still a bachelor. Despite the prank, Vinny earned the title of April prank champ for his elaborate engagement joke.