Clash of Political Titans: Cardi B and Candace Owens Ignite Social Media Battle

In a recent social media showdown, Cardi B and conservative commentator Candace Owens clashed over politics. The feud began when Cardi B took to Instagram to ask her followers for advice on who she should choose to interview for an upcoming documentary about the 2020 presidential election. Owens quickly responded, suggesting that Cardi B should interview her to gain a different perspective.

This interaction sparked a heated debate between the two women on Twitter. Cardi B accused Owens of being a "clout chaser" and criticized her for supporting President Donald Trump. Owens fired back, calling Cardi B an "illiterate rapper" and arguing that she is not a role model for young women.

The feud gained attention from both their followers and the media, with many people taking sides and joining in the argument. Supporters of Cardi B praised her for using her platform to discuss politics and criticized Owens for her conservative views. On the other hand, Owens' followers applauded her for standing up for her beliefs and accused Cardi B of being uninformed.

Throughout the exchange, Cardi B expressed her support for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and criticized Trump's handling of the pandemic. She also advocated for higher taxes on the wealthy and spoke about the importance of making education more accessible.

Owens, on the other hand, defended her conservative beliefs and argued that Trump has done more for the Black community than any other president. She criticized Biden's track record and accused the Democratic Party of taking the Black vote for granted.

The feud between Cardi B and Owens highlights the increasingly political nature of social media, where celebrities and public figures are using their platforms to express their views and engage with their audiences. It also demonstrates the deep divide between conservatives and liberals in the United States, with each side fervently defending their own beliefs.


As the 2020 presidential election approaches, it is likely that more clashes like this will occur on social media. With millions of followers, celebrities like Cardi B have the power to sway public opinion and shape political discourse. However, it is also important to remember that social media debates often lack nuance and can be divisive, creating further polarization in an already divided nation.

Despite the differing opinions and heated arguments, this feud between Cardi B and Owens serves as a reminder of the importance of engaging in respectful and constructive dialogue when discussing politics. By listening to different perspectives, seeking common ground, and finding solutions together, we can move towards a more inclusive and understanding society.

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