10 THINGS You Should NEVER Do When You Leave Your Cat Home Alone

10 Things You Should NEVER Do When You Leave Your Cat Home Alone

Leaving your cat home alone can be stressful, both for you and your feline friend. While cats are independent creatures, they still rely on their owners for companionship, safety, and care. If you're planning to leave your cat at home, it's important to ensure they are comfortable, secure, and entertained during your absence. Here are ten things you should never do when leaving your cat home alone:

1. Leave Them Without Enough Food and Water

Your cat needs access to fresh food and water at all times. Never leave them without enough to eat or drink, especially if you're going to be away for a long period. Consider using an automatic feeder and water dispenser to ensure they have a constant supply. If you're away for an extended time, arrange for a friend or pet sitter to check on them.

2. Lock Them in a Room with No Escape Leaving your cat in a single room without access to the rest of the house can make them feel trapped and stressed. Cats need space to roam, explore, and find a comfortable place to relax. Instead, let them have access to different areas in the house where they can find variety and comfort.

3. Leave Windows or Balconies Unsecured Cats are naturally curious, and if you leave windows or balconies open without proper screens or safety measures, your cat may jump or fall, potentially injuring themselves. Always make sure windows are securely closed or fitted with cat-proof screens. Keep balconies or areas that are risky for them closed off.

4. Forget to Keep Dangerous Items Out of Reach Before you leave, double-check that all dangerous items, such as cleaning supplies, toxic plants, or small objects that could be swallowed, are out of reach. Cats are very curious, and they may try to investigate things that are harmful.


Keep these items safely stored away to avoid any accidents.

5. Leave Them Without Entertainment Cats get bored and anxious when left alone without stimulation. Never leave them without any form of entertainment. Ensure they have toys, scratching posts, and other items that engage their instincts. You can even leave a TV or music playing to provide some comfort and reduce loneliness.

6. Leave the Litter Box Dirty A clean litter box is essential for your cat's well-being. If you're going to be away, make sure to clean the litter box before leaving, and consider having a second one available if you're gone for more than a day.


A dirty litter box can cause your cat stress and make them avoid using it.

7. Leave Your Cat in the Dark While some cats might be fine in the dark, many prefer having some light, especially if you’re leaving them alone overnight. Ensure they have access to areas with some natural light or leave a light on to help them feel more secure and comfortable.

8. Leave Them Alone for Too Long Although cats are independent, they are still social animals that need attention and companionship. Leaving your cat alone for extended periods (such as several days without a visit) can lead to anxiety, stress, and even behavioral problems.


If you're going away for an extended time, arrange for a pet sitter or ask a friend to check on them regularly.

9. Leave Them With Too Much Freedom (or Not Enough) If your cat is used to a certain routine, sudden changes can cause confusion and stress. If you're going to be gone for a while, make sure your cat's environment remains consistent. Don't restrict their freedom too much, but also avoid leaving them in an area where they could easily get hurt.

10. Ignore Their Emotional Needs Cats are more emotionally complex than many people realize. While they may enjoy some independence, they also need affection and reassurance from their owners.


Never ignore their emotional needs by leaving them in a high-stress situation. Spend time with them before leaving, and provide them with things that help them feel calm and loved.

Conclusion Leaving your cat home alone requires some thoughtful preparation to ensure their safety, comfort, and well-being. By following these tips, you can help alleviate stress and provide your feline friend with everything they need while you're away. Whether it's ensuring they have enough food, entertainment, or access to a safe environment, taking these steps will make sure your cat is happy and secure in your absence.

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