Missing 5 Years, Cat Finds Home Again Thanks To Rescue Post

Kendra Armstrong's cat, Moose, went missing five years ago and she never expected to see him again. However, while browsing the Midcoast Humane Society of Maine's adoptable cats online, she was shocked to see Moose's familiar face. Moose, listed under the name Oldest, was alive and looking for a new home thanks to Midcoast. Moose had spent some time on his own before ending up at the rescue, where he was known as Piglet. Nick Schroeder adopted him but had to surrender him due to living arrangements. When Oldest's picture reappeared on Midcoast's page a year later, Nick was happy to see that he had found someone who knew him.

That someone turned out to be Kendra, Moose's original owner. Moose has now returned to his forever home and is sticking close to Kendra's side. After a five-year adventure away from home, Moose found caring people and rescue workers who helped him along the way. Thanks to destiny, he has found his way back home and now knows the joy of a happy ending.

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